Risks and Resilience

I just read your piece about your friend Sean, and at the same time realized the loss of your husband. I am so sorry to hear about both of these sad events, my heart goes out to you. I am married to a mountain guide, and while I can’t dwell on the risks of that vocation, the reality of how quickly my life could change forever has occurred to me.

I’ve followed your career off and on for years and I admire your resilience and careful integrity. We are similar in age, and though we don’t have exactly the same life style, they aren’t all that different either. I’ve appreciated seeing the changes you’ve gone through and the grace with which you have moved through those transitions.

Moab is one of my all time favorite places in the world, and if I wasn’t living on the coast of Maine, I’d be living in Moab. Maybe some time our paths will cross in the red rock desert (I’ll be out there in November to run the half marathon), in the mean time keep doing what you are doing-living openly and eloquently and sharing yourself so generously with us out here in the ether.

Thank you so much for writing to me, I really appreciate it–I will keep doing my best, that’s all we can do. As time goes by, I get more rooted in the desert, and the desert creatures know how to flourish when there’s rain and wait quietly when there’s none, and above all how to survive and thrive. 🙂 Good luck in the half marathon, I hope you will have good weather and a great run.

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