
Hi Steph,
My name is Isaac and I was browsing my twitter feed and found the piece you wrote on Sean Leary. I was incredibly moved by your words and was inspired to send you this note. Loss is a funny thing, it tears you down and strips everything away to the point where the only options you have are to check out or begin the long and unknown process of rebuilding. We’ve never met but I do follow you on various social media sites and though I’m not a BASE jumper, I have been a guide on the Colorado and Green rivers for the better part of 16 years so when I saw that your husband, Mario had passed, I really felt a sense of loss in the way that a community sharing a common bond feels when one of their own dies unexpectedly. Those of us who’s hearts are in the desert of Southern Utah share that bond I think and when someone we know, or know of, passes on we all feel it to a degree. I guess the point is that we are all on this solitary journey together and for what it’s worth, you’ve been an inspiration of strength and courage and I’m very glad you decided to rebuild and not check out. You and people like Sean and Mario are shining lights for all of us to draw strength from and be inspired to do that which we don’t believe is possible. Thank you for being who you are:)

Hi Ike, thanks for writing to me. I agree we are all connected and I realize it more and more every day. In the beginning I only understood my connection to the desert, but now I see it is much bigger than that. Loss has shaped my life very much in the last years. Just over the last few days I’ve realized that I’m happier than I’ve ever been; it almost feels like being reborn. It’s an amazing feeling, and a wonderful one. I finally can truly say that I understand and believe joy at sudden disappointment, and I feel so lucky. We all are, we just have to see it.
🙂 Steph

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