This Fu@&ed Little Club

Dear Steph –
I don’t normally send e-mails to people I don’t know, but I read your 3/25/14 blog on your dear friend Sean Leary, and felt compelled to reach out to you. I too am a member of this f—— little club, having lost the love of my life about three and a half years. She died as I laid next to her, not of an accident, but from cancer. You were very blessed to have a friend as loving & wise as Sean in your life as you went through the loss of your beloved husband Mario. To know that you are now facing a double loss breaks my heart, and I have wept tears for you (and with you in spirit). I wish I had had a friend like Sean to encourage me in those early dark days of my loss. He definitely knew what he was taking about as helped you along. My own personal experience bears out what he was saying, though I had to learn it through trial and error. It truly is a long road, and you are changed forever, but it does get better day by day. In spite of my great loss, I feel that I have been given the gift of a second life, and I want to live it to the fullest. To live it with passion and optimism! I have found new love and happiness. And I am starting to live out some dreams I have held my entire life: I was just selected to join Climbing Magazine’s Summit for Someone climb in the Wind River Range this summer, despite never having climbed before. I know my late wife wanted me to live life to the fullest, and is smiling down in encouragement as I continue to move forward in life.

Thank you for sharing a little bit of Sean with us and being vulnerable yourself. And remember you are not alone. You belong to a club whose members would doing anything to help out a fellow member. Just wanted you to know that…

Thank you Troy, for writing and sharing some words. I’m also very sorry for your loss. I know what you mean about a second life–I also feel that my former life is dead and now I am in a way reborn. We don’t choose these things, but we have to find the good. There is a lot to be thankful for, and it’s easy to be grateful for the beauty and love we receive. I wish you all the best too and I hope you have an amazing time in the Wind Rivers–don’t forget the bug spray 🙂

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