Elbow Pains

Hello Steph

I recently started climbing and even though I’m in good shape I have severe pain in my arms. Mainly in my lower triceps near my elbows. Have any ideas on how to prevent this or will it go away after I build more strength? It can be seveer at times to the point that I cant tie my shoes or grip anything. Thanks for the help love what you do by the way you’re amazing. I envy your life style.

Thank you,

Hi Jon,
I have never personally had elbow pain, but I have a lot of friends who have had that. Several of them started to do reverse curls with a straight bar, and said that it almost immediately made the pain stop when nothing else had helped. I would recommend you try it, first with just the bar alone, and then if it’s working for you and you are keeping it up, gradually adding small weight plates to it.
I hope it will also work for you!

8 responses to “Elbow Pains”

  1. Johnfunck says:

    Could be irritation in the tendon, the part where the tricceps muscle connect to the bone.

    As Steph said, start with small weights and do high number reps. Don’t go for strength, go for endurance and circulatory training in the muscle. 

    Also, focus on excentric training. There’s alot of evidence supporting excentric training if you pain comming from the tendon. 
       On way of doing this is lying on your back on a bench, use a straight bar, keep your arms over your head, elbows straight. Now, focus on lowering the bar slowly. This is the concentric part. Try it out =)

  2. steph davis says:

    thanks for the good beta, John

  3. Corey says:

    During the first 6 months of my climbing I had seriously sore elbows every time I climbed. I was so bad I couldn’t do a lot of moves and would have to stop early every session. I would be holding my arms like slings and couldn’t take of my shoes just like you. It was a real bummer!

    I don’t like taking anything, but anti-inflammatories can help (ibuprofen) if you take it before climbing. Eventually, I think my tendons became stronger and the problem went away. Doctor’s advice was to take ibuprofen and go to physical therapy. Make sure you stop when they hurt! You don’t want to strain them more than necessary. I hope this helps!

  4. Hi Jon,
    Try Pain Eraser on your elbows. That stuff works wonders. I recommend adding Apple Cider Vinegar to your daily diet. Drink 1 teaspoon in a 4 0z glass of warm water with a teaspoon of agave or honey and those elbow pains will leave your arms in a big way. It is amazing that it begins to work after you have had it in your system for 1 day.
    Ibuprofen actually breaks your joints down. It is bad for connective tissues.
    Doctors that tell you to take this do not know natural medicine. Your health is your wealth.

  5. steph davis says:

    I agree with Bonnie, the Pain Eraser is truly amazing stuff, and it really works.

  6. I dont have a pain eraser but I use a $1 toy ball I got from the toy store thats about the size of a lacrosse ball and pretty hard. I put it on top of my dresser and roll that thing around at the base of my tricep and its like a little slice of heaven. Its also good for using between your back and shoulders against a wall.

  7. sozzie says:

    yoga, yoga, yoga and yoga 😉

  8. steph davis says:

    yes. at this point, I do yoga every morning right after I get up. it makes a huge difference (seems hard at first, but now I can’t really get going without it).


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