Dogs and Infatuation

Hi Steph,
I was given your book by a colleague who knows of my climbing interests and I wanted to write you to tell you how deeply moved and inspired I am by your words and your life.  Your devotion to your intuition and your dog remind me of myself when I’m feeling connected with the world around me.

Years ago I was given the opportunity to climb with some friends in WV at Seneca Rocks and was amazed at how I felt in that place and on the rocks.  It is a very primal thing, climbing.  Very human, and that is why I love it.  It really does make you feel alive.  My friends were discussing “El Capitan” with it’s 3000 ft of vertical granite on the way home and this made me very curious.  One year later with a postcard of “El Cap” I packed up everything I owned (except the dog-Mittsu stayed with Mom who gave her a horrible haircut) and headed out to see this magical place.  Though the skills to ascend the rock allude me, I have enjoyed my times in Yosemite watching the climbers and hiking into the backcountry. 

In an attempt to get there (on the wall) someday, I’ve been going to the rockgym and Smith Rock near my home in Portland Oregon.  There are so many books to read and classes to take.  I wonder what you recommend.  I have the Freedom of the Hills and I know that is great as a reference but I feel like I’m missing a lot of the lingo.  Your guidance would be amazing.

From one doglover to another, thank you!

Portland OR
“It’s always the squeaky wheel that gets oiled.” Mom

Hi Teresa,
Thanks for writing! Your dog is cute 🙂 🙂
The first climbing instruction book I ever read was Royal Robbins’ Basic Rockcraft. A lot of is out of date, but I still think it’s a very good intro to basic concepts and systems. Another, more current book I would recommend is Rock Climbing, Mastering Basic Skills by my great, late friend Craig Luebben.
Between the two of those, you will have a lot of information to absorb and practice.
🙂 Steph

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