Why BASE Jumping Is Fun

1. Jumping off things is fun.
2. You “HAVE” to go skydiving to learn.
3. No one ever gets mad at you for asking questions (e.g., “why, exactly, did that person’s parachute not open?”).
4. Hiking uphill is involved.
5. Fingertip one-arm pullup workouts are not.
6. You can do it when it’s raining.
7. Hours of additional fun obsessive-compulsively packing BASE rigs, after less than a minute of actually jumping off an object….

5 responses to “Why BASE Jumping Is Fun”

  1. stephanie says:

    Hi Steph!
    I love your website, especially watching the climbing videos. What is the name of the song which is the background music for Crackhouse? I really love it.

    Thanks a lot!

  2. steph says:

    Dear Stephanie,
    Always good to hear from another Steph 🙂
    I’m so glad you’re liking my site, thanks!
    I love that song on the Crackhouse video too. It’s from a CD called Putamayo Groove Sampler, and the track is called “Postales” by Federico Aubele.
    Hope you’re well, and having good adventures!
    xx Steph

  3. Corey King says:

    Yay for the perrine bridge!!! My home town. You should try some of the local climbing. Or if you are into establishing routes you should check out our new concept area. It mimics the jailhouse in cali.
    I’m glad to see more people living life to its fullest. Keep up all the good work.


  4. Grahame says:

    Please analyse what you say; why is it fun?


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