Vegan Happiness

Hey Ms. Davis 🙂

Well turning a vegan couple of weeks ago and just being impressed how much better I feel, I wanted to thank you. Sounds stupid, but being the only vegan in my direct surroundings, I am always looking for inspiration and motivation to stick to it. Of course I am a climber and spend as much time in the mountains… I never thought it might be possible to get more endurance and fitness without meat or dairy products. It was finally your homepage and story (well actually an interview first) that started the mental process that there is a way. The result just makes me smile since it is the single best argument for that lifestyle!

I am looking forward to read your book. Thank you and to use a slogan of another brand: Smile! pass it on
bye and have a good day

Thank you Tobi!!
😀 Steph

5 responses to “Vegan Happiness”

  1. Livegan says:

    There are so many reasons to choose a vegan lifestyle. Here are two short videos to help everyone understand why so many are making this life-altering choice: and

  2. Danyelle says:

    I can agree! I’ve been vegan for a month now, and I’ve never been happier.. I’ve also never eaten more delicious food in all my life! C: I am happy to see more people attempting to change the way we think about food and what we are consuming– Consumers have the right to know where their food comes from and how animals are treated before they reach their plates. This is a good, short video to watch about this topic:

  3. steph davis says:

    Thanks Danyelle!

  4. steph davis says:

    Thanks for the videos 🙂

  5. Paul says:

    We have been programmed in the US to believe dairy is essential to a heathy diet. my wife suffered from a number of chronic illnesses from dairy. If dairy is so good for you why is it absent from Asian diets? Asians live longer and healthier lives than Americans. Most Asians can’t even digest dairy without stomach upset. The basic American fast food diet is loaded with dairy fat consisting of mainly cheese.

    An interesting link about dairy hazards:


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