Portland Climbing Clinics and prAna Store Opening

Hey Steph,
My name is Anna and I work at the Portland Rock Gym. I have been working closely the last few weeks with Amber the store manager of the new prAna store opening up in downtown Portland. I am absolutely thrilled that you are going to be at the competition! I have followed your blog for a while now and read your book and you are truly an inspiration. Your happiness radiates and I can’t wait for you to bring that to this city!
I have always wanted to write you but never did but I figured this would be a fitting time.
As a vegan woman climber I admire your outspokenness for the lifestyle and respect your choices immensely. I am also a lover of animals and worked for 3.5 years at the Michigan Humane Society where I witnessed some truly awful things of course, but wonderful moments of rescue as well. The things you value in life ring very close to home and I find a lot of encouragement in you. Thank you for all that you do for climbing, veganism, animals, and just being yourself in a world that tries to make you everything but!
I don’t know how long you will be in Portland but if you’re here long enough and would like to get out climbing I can think of nothing better. Trout Creek is an amazing spot with plenty of clean lines for you to get on! Thanks again for coming to the competition, it’s going to be a great time! I look forward to meeting you!

Hi Anna!
Thanks for writing me! I have been hearing about Trout Creek for years, and I am really anxious to check it out. I wish I could stay longer on this visit, but it will have to be the next time. I’m just going to be in Portland for a very quick visit: to do a climbing clinic on November 17 and a slide show, hosted by Mazamas, and then another clinic on the 18th and the prAna store opening that evening!

The clinics are going to be about traditional climbing and crack climbing tricks and secrets….I think the one on the 17th is full, but there may be space on the 18th. The slide show is about desert base climbs! So I think it will be a great trip, and I’m very excited to come to the northwest next month.
I look forward to meeting you too 🙂

6 responses to “Portland Climbing Clinics and prAna Store Opening”

  1. Acupuncturist_almine says:

    “HEAD’S UP” LADIES:  “Trout Creek” will be closed from Jan.-Sept. of 2012 due to eagle nesting there.  Just thought I’d let you both know  🙂

  2. steph davis says:

    thanks for the info 🙂

  3. Acupuncturist_almine says:

    See you at the clinic on the 18th  ;-}  I think we have some mutual friends!  Ms. Catra Corbett & I think you may have met my husband a time or two in Yosemite, back in the “early days.”  Stanford (Stan) Davidson ring a bell?  Probably one of the only African-American climbers at the time in the Valley.

    The last time you came to Bend, OR., I think he said “Hi” to you on your F.B. pg., & gave you an invite to his “ROCKFIT” class  ;-}

  4. steph davis says:

    see you there 🙂

  5. Friendsoftrout says:

    FYI, the climbing situation at Trout Creek is very much “in the works” for 2012.   As of yet, there are no closures.  There are, however, rumors. To get the latest access report check with friendsoftrout@gmail.com.  Thanks!

  6. steph davis says:

    thanks for the official information, best of luck with the access issues there.


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