Desert High

Le Monde Est a Pleurer–Jean LeLoup [audio:] The desert high season, of fall and spring, is a magical time. The energy is high, the visitors come in wave after wave, the weather is perfect every day, and it just doesn’t stop.

Hello From the East

Hi Steph What an amazing set of accomplishments. Besides Fitzroy my favorite tale was of your free Salathe climb [what a great partner!], and specifically the part in that story about the birds whizzing by you on the crux…it reminded me of a scene with birds in Jeff Long’s fiction work “The Wall.” I’m sure […]

Hello From Castleton

Hey Steph, My two good guy friends and I were climbing on Castleton when you BASE jumped. It was my first tower and I was right below you when you jumped. I was getting over my fear of heights, and you helped me scramble over it all as I watched you jump. Just wanted to […]

Crack Climbing Secrets

I admit, I have a tendency to see gear as something that demands expense, attention and maintenance. All things which could be better manifested as time climbing or playing with my dog. Yet I must be realistic. I have learned over the years that anything which is not helping me is hurting me, and I […]


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