Hello From the East

Hi Steph
What an amazing set of accomplishments. Besides Fitzroy my favorite tale was of your free Salathe climb [what a great partner!], and specifically the part in that story about the birds whizzing by you on the crux…it reminded me of a scene with birds in Jeff Long’s fiction work “The Wall.” I’m sure you’ve read it. Love your writing style, too…most climbing non-fiction is bland-city, but yours is colorful and keeps the readers’ attention. How about another book? Ever climb in the East? We’re not home to any walls but the Gunks and Cathedral and even Rumney must be able to offer something hard and interesting enough to interest you. Do you do any travelling slide shows? I’m certain you would be a draw out here.
Take care and happy climbing.

Dear Alexander,
Thank you, so much! I am actually from the east…born in Illinois, grew up some in New Jersey, and then in Maryland through my first years of college. So I know how amazing the east coast climbing is, and of course the Red 🙂 I am traveling a lot with slide shows this season, but mostly in Europe. Heading over to the UK next week, for a BASE and climbing trip before doing some shows at the Kendal Film Festival, and then to Italy in January for the Lecco Film festival, and then a little Eastern European tour next April. I’m so glad you liked High Infatuation! There is definitely another book in my future. That is actually why I wrote the first book. It was kind of my way to learn how exactly a person goes about writing a book…. I would love to write a more narrative-type story in the future, and that is something I am slowly hatching. The hard thing about writing books is that life is always so busy!
All the best to you Alexander,
xx Steph

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