Indian Creek Crack Weekend

We have 4 spots left for the Indian Creek Crack Clinic this October 13-14, so you are invited to join us in the Creek! So many people have asked me about a crack clinic, especially after we launched Moab Base Adventures, that I decided to just go ahead and organize one 🙂

If you’d like to polish up your crack climbing skills in parallel sandstone, this is a perfect opportunity, and mid-October is typically the primo season at Indian Creek. This is the place to practice finger locks, ringlocks, hand jams, fists and wideness. You’ll learn tricks and techniques to improve your hand and foot techniques, as well as taping and racking secrets.

If you are comfortable anywhere from 5.9 to 5.11, you’ll be able to work on your technique and lead skills and get some mileage on splitter Wingate sandstone. If you’ve never climbed at Indian Creek before due to not having a partner, lacking confidence with your crack skills, or not owning 10 racks of cams, this is your chance…

The group size is limited to 10, and we will be joined by some Moab friends as guides, cooks and photographers. I think it’s going to be a very good time!

6 responses to “Indian Creek Crack Weekend”

  1. Amanda Williams says:

    This is awesome! I don’t know if I am just missing the price, or it is not listed, but I would love to know how much! I would be driving from Texas!

  2. vanessa says:

    I am SUPER interested in this clinic! However my splitter crack leading experience is minimal … Could we work on that? 🙂 

  3. steph davis says:

    The cost is $899: for more information, you can go to 🙂

  4. steph davis says:

    We will be working on crack technique and also leading skills, for those who want to work on leading– racking, gear placements, dealing with rope, stances and strategy.

  5. Tina says:

    Do you think you will do another clinic sometime in the future? I’m not able to make this one, but would love to attend one if the future.

  6. steph davis says:

    Hi Tina,
    I’m thinking of doing another in the spring, but may be busy with my book coming out. So hopefully yes!
    🙂 Steph


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