Hello from Tahoe

I have just looked at your page and wanted to tell you that i am inspired.  my husband died a year and half ago in the mountains.  he taught me love the mountains and to climb.  we have been very pationate about the sport and have planned most of our trips or holiday’s around climbing.  since his death i have become even more obsessed with climbing.  when i am in the mountains my brain is set free to just enjoy the day.  a friend of mine emailed me your site after i told her that i am going to walk away from tahoe for a year long journey to find myself.  i am not sure how i am going to do it.  it scares and excites me.  i am not a great climber by any means, but i am strong and really love it.  i have a great life here in tahoe so it makes no since for me to leave, but i can not get the idea out of my head.  i own two houses and have a great job.  i am a nurse.  my heart is so broken and beat up.  i was thinking about buying some sort of camper/van and leaving with my dog (smiggins).  any way, i like your web page.  scary to me to just try to find people to climb with as i always had a steady partner.  not even sure where i will go.   i love the creek.  have’t been to texas or arizona yet.  where are your favorite places?  take care.  sincerely, nicole

Dear Nicole,
Thanks for writing to me, and I’m so sorry for your loss.
I think going on a trip is a very good plan. Especially since you have Smiggins to go with you 🙂 If you want to travel in the winter season, Texas and Arizona would be good options. Moab is great climbing in the winter, but can be hard to camp and the nights are pretty long. As you know, it’s perfect in early spring or late fall. Personally, I most like hanging out at Rifle, especially when traveling on my own. It’s easy living, great climbing, and there are always people to climb with. There is a nice scene in Bishop too, and Maple Canyon is also a great destination–though at Maple, I always feel you have to be feeling a little more self-confident to find people to climb with, since people seem to be grouped up. Recently a lot of my friends have been going to Tensleep in Wyoming, and they just love it. I’d like to check that out soon: that is a summer destination.
Best of luck Nicole.
🙂 xxSteph

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