
Hi Steph,
Just wanted to say hello. I stumpled upon your website a few weeks back when searching for climbing blogs. You see, I’m a fresh-faced newbie to climbing so I was looking for any and all the inspiration that I could find about climbing. Great blog, by the way, excellent videos too.
Now here’s the important question; how’s Fletcher? I just started reading your book and the first thing I noticed on the cover was you smooching what HAD to be a Blue Heeler. “I thought to myself, “Self” –as you see, I often have odd dialogues with myself– “this lady has to be good stuff as she climbs AND she has my favorite type of dog in tow!” My parents are retired and live in North Carolina where they volunteer with the SPCA. They have made it their personal mission the last couple of years to find a heeler pup for me to adopt, as they’re quite common up there.

Anyway, apologies on the long-winded missive, I just wanted to drop you a line to tell you I’m really enjoying your book so far and to let you know that you helped stoke the fires of another novice climber.
Say hullo to Fletcher for me!
Cheers and keep climbing,
Dear Scotty,
Thanks for writing to me, and I like thinking about your parents in North Carolina helping the little creatures at the SPCA.
I should tell you right off, that Fletch died last week. She was almost 16. Since she was my first dog, I actually didn’t quite understand this was ever going to happen….believe it or not! But she had spinal arthritis which had been gradually slowing her down for the last several years. The vet could not believe how well she was doing, and for how long, but finally last week she was unable to get up and walk at all, and she died in her own bed at home on her own, while I was next to her, though I had been afraid I would need to have her put to sleep.
I spent this summer in Rifle with Fletch, sport climbing since I could carry her to the climbs with me or pull her around in my garden wagon, and she really did love camping in the grassy spots by the creek together and sleeping in my truck with me, like always.
Fletch was mostly heeler, though it was always a fun activity to try to imagine what else she was. A lot of people thought she had some corgi, or some husky, or some akita, or some beagle, or some coyote. She was a beautiful little res dog, from the Navajo lands in Arizona. She was originally plucked from the Navajo Res about 15 years ago by the girlfriend of Jimmie Dunn, the famous desert climber. Betsy brought the little puppy to Moab, where, like all itinerant dogs and climbers, she was fostered briefly by my best friend Lisa Hathaway, and was gradually adopted by my friend Scott, who named her Fletcher.

See, Scott always said if he ever got a dog, he was going to name it after those Chevy Chase Fletch movies. So her name was Betty M. Fletcher. I happened to be living in the same driveway as Scott (Lisa’s, actually, since I had also shown up as an itinerant climber in need of fostering), and Fletcher gradually won my heart by being generally unobtrusive and perfectly behaved and an excellent running/climbing companion. Before too long, I was her godmother, and splitting her with Scott. After about a year, he took off for an international trip without end, and Fletcher and I were together forever. Or at least, that’s what I thought. 🙂
Fletchmama was the best, most beautiful, smartest dog in the world. I loved her more than anything. I can’t imagine what my life would have been like without her. She traveled everywhere with me, lived in my truck with me, and spent more time with me than anyone else I’ve ever known. She was also an independent creature with a life of her own. She had many friends I’ve never even met, in fact. In most important ways, she taught me how to be. We understood each other. She was my other half.
I hope you find a heeler to share your life with too, because I agree with your parents. They are amazing dogs. And when you meet the right one, you know.
🙂 xxSteph

24 responses to “Fletchmama”

  1. Narc says:

    Sorry to hear that Steph!

  2. Kate C says:

    Oh no! That’s sooo sad to hear. I’m so sorry for your loss Steph.

    This is a beautiful tribute to her. Thank you for sharing.

    It’s funny, our family had dogs the whole time I was growing up. We’ve had four, and lost three. I was sad to part with them, but not devastated the way I know I’ll be when my own dog, Liv, passes someday. Some dogs are pets. Others are absolute life companions. They love you unconditionally for everything good and bad in you. They trust without question. They serve without complaint.

    Rest peacefully, Fletchmama.

  3. rochelle says:

    Very sad to hear about Fletchmama. The tales you recounted of Fletch always conveyed the deep love and great respect you had for your companion. Thank you for sharing.

    “A dog is the only thing on this earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”


    “Love animals. God has given them the rudiments of thought and joy untroubled.”

    -Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

  4. Cyndi says:

    I am not a climber but I came across your website one day and have continued to follow you, I guess just following a free spirit. In doing so, I found myself following Fletchmama also. I am sorry for your loss. I don’t say that lightly either. Hoping to not sound too silly, I once had a cat for 17 years and she was my best friend, too. We even lived in a car together once for a short time.Long after she was gone, I would still see her in my mind. I know the spot in your heart for Fletch is filled with happy memories.Take care.

  5. kelly says:


    Thank you…


    and it made my afternoon…

  6. Cynthia says:

    Im so sorry for your loss, quel bel hommage a Fletchmama, je suis sur que tu a beaucoup de peine. Je te lit regulierement et tu accorde une grande importance a Fletch et a l’amour des animaux, je pense que c’est tres honorable de nos jours. Toutes mes pensee sont avec toi, je suis certaine que tu gardera de precieux souvenirs.

  7. gillamina says:

    Sorry to hear about Fletch. She was a gorgeious dog, and you’ll have lots of happy memories of her. It’s always hard to loose a loved one, when I lost my first pet (a little guinea pig who thought he was a dog) I was so upset. When I think about his antics now, he still makes me laugh.

  8. Dave says:

    Sad to read this, Steph.

    It is a beautiful story, and I’d have to say, a pup who makes it to old age and is pulled in a wagon on hikes or runs has a really good life:)

    Take care.

  9. jason says:

    Great story. So sorry for your loss.

  10. Sorry to hear about Fletch, Steph. It’s wonderful that you were there to hold her, though. You were both so lucky to have found and cared for each other! All the best, Teri

  11. Nadine says:

    Hi Steph ! I am really sorry about Fletch. I am sure she had the best life a dog can dream of. If you ever come to Quebec, you have to come visit us !
    Take care,

    Have fun climbing and skydiving !

  12. michael says:

    a beautiful being lost to our world.

  13. Jackie says:

    Blue skies Fletchmama!

  14. John says:

    I am so sorry for your loss of such a great companion as Fletch. I love that photo of Fletch sitting in front of that desert tower. I just got your book and can’t put it down. I love reading about your adventures. Blue skies Steph

  15. Krysia says:

    I am really sorry about Fletchmama.Take care,
    Krysia from Hungary

  16. John says:

    I’m so sorry about Fletch. You two were together a very long time and in lonely situations. You are very inspiring Steph. Maybe that’s what I need, a k-9 companion to travel with. Someday I hope to make the break. I noticed you traveled in a small pickup with a camper shelld. I have a little Tacoma. Would you recommend putting a camper shell on it? Or should I look for a small van? I hope to tour climbing area’s and drop zones. Maybe I’ll get to say hi. Blue Skies John

  17. jeeves says:

    soooooo sorry to hear about your dog 🙁 i lost my childhood dog last oct and the house still feels empty everytime i go back home. 🙁

  18. Josh says:

    Damn, that’s too bad. My condolences, Steph. I just gave my yellow lab, Sadie, a big hug after reading this entry. I sometimes take for granted the fact my Sadie-Bear won’t be here with me forever 🙁 .

  19. Mauro says:

    So sorry…
    Ciao Fletchmama

    Take care Steph


  20. MP says:

    Sorry to hear about Fletchmama. She certainly was a lucky and loved dog, and lived a great life, thanks to you.

  21. Neil says:

    Dear Steph,

    I am deeply sorry for your loss. The tales of your adventures together brightened my day. NC, Kendal, UK.

  22. Sorry to hear about the loss of Fletch. But it sounds like she had a wonderful long life.
    My little pup (CB) sends a lick of love your way.

  23. Elevation29035 says:

    She had an amazing life filled with love & wide open spaces. The best.

  24. steph davis says:

    she did 🙂 thanks 🙂


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