Cucumber Salad

This is so simple to make, it’s almost not even a recipe since it requires virtually no ingredients or cooking :).

But, I make it a lot, and it is one of those handy things that’s good to have in your back pocket. Like if friends suddenly show up and the only thing you have around is pasta and a cucumber: voila!
Or if you need salad and all the lettuce is gone.
Or if it’s summer, and cucumber salad is the most cool and delicious thing you can imagine.
Or if you’re craving olive oil and vinegar.
Or if your garden is full of cucumbers.
All these things happen to me more than not, and this recipe is a lifesaver 🙂

All you need is:
a large cucumber, organic without the nasty skin wax (or 2, if you want a lot of salad)
olive oil
apple cider vinegar

Slice the cucumber in very thin slices. Put them in a large, shallow bowl.

Add about 1/8 cup of olive oil and a little less apple cider vinegar. Turn the slices around to coat them well, and stick the bowl in the fridge. Pull it out and turn the slices around a few more times over the next 10-30 minutes. Salt pretty generously, and stir some more. If it happens to be summer, and you happen to have garden tomatoes, you could throw in some chunks of those too.
It’s almost too easy to be so good…

One response to “Cucumber Salad”

  1. aaronbbrown says:

    Apple cider vinegar makes me feel good, like it balances my pH or something.


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