The Nuts and Bolts of Wingsuits

- June 2014
- Climb
This is a time of major innovation: though wingsuit fliers are a pretty small group of outdoor athletes, we definitely know what we like in our gear, and the gear is getting better and better. Fun new video from my friends at Squirrel! AURA 2014 from squirrel on Vimeo.
Desert Clinics

- June 2014
- Climb
April in Moab was a rollercoaster. After 20 years of living here in the desert, I know the weather is nothing if not extreme, but this April was one of the most extreme I’ve ever seen: switching from hot to freezing to raining to snowing to sleeting to hurricaning, usually all in the same day. […]
Belaying Someone Twice Your Weight

- June 2014
- Climb
Hi Steph! My name is Emily from California by way of Seattle. I’ve been climbing since I was a teenager and admiring your writing and your climbs basically as long. I’m also a lover of dogs–the photo of you and Fletch was the reason I picked up your first book. 🙂 I have a kind […]
- May 2014
- Hi Steph
Steph! This is Rebecca w/ the “I can’t do it” mentality! I want to thank you for taking the time to write back to me and help me see that I CAN DO IT! I tried using some of your advice today and it helped me lead a 5.10 fairly comfortably!! Everyday is a new […]