A Recipe for Hemp Milk

Hi Steph – I was doing some background surfing on the internet for a post I was writing on crag dogs, and I came across your site. I’m a climber, so of course I’ve heard about your various accomplishments, but I wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading your blog. Sometimes athletes–or any person who is well-known in a specific field–can come off as somewhat one-dimensional. I like your sometimes tangential discussions and your various recipes sprinkled among your posts about climbing and base jumping. And the fact that you make your own soymilk is, well, impressive! By the way, I have a great recipe for quick hemp milk that you might want to try: 1 cup fresh hemp seeds, 3 cups of water, pinch of sea salt (optional: a squirt of agave nectar); blend well. No need to strain, quick and easy. My crag dog post, if you’re interested, is http://weekendr.blogspot.com/2010/06/crag-dogs.html, with a follow up post at http://weekendr.blogspot.com/2010/06/more-crag-dog-tips-stay-off-that.html. I look forward to more recipes, climbing tales and amusing dog anecdotes!


Thank you for the recipe Christine! I’m looking forward to trying it.
🙂 Steph

2 responses to “A Recipe for Hemp Milk”

  1. Caleb says:

    Another way to sweeten up that hemp milk is by adding some vanilla extract, or a whole vanilla bean (though, a whole bean might be a bit much).

  2. Steph Davis says:

    thanks for the tip!


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