Why No Wheat?

Hi Steph,

My name is Terry. I am checking out your website. Wow, I really admire you. There are not many women in this world like you. I wish you the best at what you do.

I just copied a few or your recipes to try. Why do you not use wheat? Many years ago I use to power lift. I always ate whole wheat bread. Now it seems many are staying away from it.

What do you drink besides water?

Blessings to you

Dear Terry,
Thanks for writing!
I have found that it’s really easy to end up eating a lot of bleached wheat flour–too easy–at least, for me. If I eat a lot of bread, crackers, etc., I get an upset stomach, and I feel low in energy. I’ve even had my iron levels get low as a result of careless overconsumption of lots of bread and not much else, in the past. I make an effort to avoid processed wheat and also white rice, because I think most of the nutrients have been removed, turning them into empty carbs. I find that if I avoid regular wheat, in the end I still eat some, but I don’t have the negative effects associated with overconsumption.
Every morning I drink Ginger Aid tea and a pack of tangerine Emergen-C in a big glass of water 🙂

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