Traveling with Pets

Steph Davis,
I need an opinion on some car camping. I work seasonal jobs for the government such as forest/blm/etc. but there housing doesn’t allow animals and its hard finding 3- 6 month contracts for apartments. I have a cat and a dog that have both lived in very small studio apartments and i feel a small RV or van with bed converter on the top wouldn’t be much smaller. Any thoughts on this?
Thanks for your time,
Corrin Liston

Dear Corrin,
Wow, I hope your dog and cat are both very small! I grew up with a cat, and my dad used to work for Cessna and fly a small plane. On family vacations, our cat would fly in the Cessna with us to visit the family farm. He always threw up. Other than that, he seemed fine with it.
I lived and traveled in my truck with my dog Fletch (40 pounds) for years. It was great, and we both loved it. Now Fletch is gone, and I find myself with a cat again. However Mao is so far a pretty terrible traveler. I can’t really imagine taking him on any trip, and would be afraid he would be all traumatized and run off somewhere obscure and be lost forever. He likes to come and go as he pleases, and he most dislikes being trapped anyplace without the ability to leave at any moment. Which is pretty understandable. I’m the same way.
So overall, I would say the only wild card here (at least from what I know of your general set up), is your kitty. I have met a few cats at crags, though I have always been a little anxious for them because so many climbers have dogs at the cliffs. Still, I have never heard of any cat tragedies…. Have you taken your cat camping? Does he/she stick around if you’re out somewhere and you are gone for a while? Does kitty know that the car/camper is home base? If so, it could be a pretty fun menagerie…..
🙂 Steph

2 responses to “Traveling with Pets”

  1. Erin King says:

    HI Corrin – and Steph,

    I don’t normally barge in on other peoples blogs like this, but I too have traveled extensively with pets. My husband and I took our 110lb. Malamute with us on an 8 month road trip from Canada to Guatemala, and he’d never been happier. We also met a couple of cats at different crags, and aside from my dog wanting to eat them, they caused very little ruckus. I think if you’ve got one of those laid back chilled out cats, it will adjust accordingly. Perhaps you could install some kind of kitty door on your rig! Our biggest issue was sometimes having to leave Timber in the car (Yosemite is a perfect example), but we found shade, provided good ventilation, and never had any major incidents occur. Hope it works out for you and your furry friends!

  2. Steph Davis says:

    Thanks Erin! Please barge in any time…this is great advice! 🙂 Steph


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