A Word From Tim DeChristopher

A Word From Tim DeChristopher

Over the past six months since I disrupted the BLM oil and gas auction, I have received a huge amount of support in many different forms from around the world. Some of you have supported me financially, some helped spread my story, and many of you have given me kind words of encouragement. I have deeply appreciated this support, and it has paid off in several ways. After the fraudulence of the December 19th auction was exposed, most of land on which I bid has been at least temporarily protected from oil drilling. On June 12th, the BLM withdrew their demand for $81,000 from me. I believe all of this was made possible by the public outcry all of you helped to create over my case.

As the criminal case against me proceeds, I now have the opportunity for a much bigger impact.
My legal team and I will be arguing that my actions were justified by the moral imperative of stopping catastrophic climate change. With the help of some of the world’s most respected climatologists, we will be proving in the courtroom that climate change is a real and serious threat to my future. This can set a vital legal precedent for our responsibility to ensure a livable future for our children. Dr. James Hanson has recently said that legal battles may be our best strategy for creating the paradigm shift we need to address the climate crisis. This is especially relevant now that Congress has made it clear with the Waxman-Markey bill that they will continue putting the interests of the fossil fuel industry ahead of my generation.

To make this case as effectively as possible, I need your support. My excellent attorneys, Patrick Shea, Ron Yengich, and Liz Hunt, are volunteering their time, but they estimate expenses for legal research, depositions and witnesses to exceed $100,000. I’m learning firsthand that the quality of our justice system is based on the finances of the defendant.

Please send a donation today and pass this message on to all the people you know who care about the climate crisis. I believe it is so crucial for this trial to face a jury that I have chosen to risk imprisonment by refusing any plea bargains. Whether you can donate $70 or $7, your support is critical in making this a landmark case that turns the tides in our struggle for a livable future.

Some Relevant Links:

Make a Donation:
Take a Stand for Climate Change.

2 responses to “A Word From Tim DeChristopher”

  1. that's insane says:

    “My legal team and I will be arguing that my actions were justified by the moral imperative of stopping catastrophic climate change.”

    That sounds like a slam dunk case to me, especially in federal court in Utah. This kid’s gonna need every penny he can get.

    I think he should try to stay out of prison first, and do the activism later. Or at least minimize politics in the trial, if there has to be a trial. Political defenses NEVER work in criminal trials. There’s a long history of this. I can get links if necessary, or you can google them.

    Environmental activism is gonna be pretty hard from inside. I don’t know what these lawyers are telling Dechristopher, but I can’t believe they’re 100% on board with a green necessity defense.

  2. vsiaki says:

    I’m inclined to agree with ‘that’s insane,’ especially if DeChristopher’s defense hinges on persuading the court that climate change is a serious and IMMEDIATE threat to HIS OWN future.

    Still, his courage and activism has my support–it’s inspiring and I do believe necessary to catalyze change. I’ve donated to his cause.


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