The Right Place

Ciao Steph,
how are u? I hope fine! 😀

my name is Paolo , I’m italian and i live in Vicenza, in a little town near the mountains. I love my mountains, i like trekking, climbing, skiing (there are a lot of tracks here), photography nature and animals, etc..
I love italy, as country, but not life style, how people think about everything, etc etc etc…. I’m looking for a place where going to live in, possibly near the mountains… without i can’t live 🙂

A place where to continue my hobbies: i took a look to new zealand, but there are not a lot of tracks for skiing, and other stuffs that take (make?) me look far away.
I ask to u because i know u travelled a lot and u met a lot of people in your life with the same passion. Please, help me. I like the simple and genuine life.
Thank you, a big embrace,

ps: sorry for my english 🙂

Ciao Paolo!
I think you are pretty lucky, because I love Italy. But I understand the feeling of wanting to live somewhere that really feels right. I think when you find that place, you know immediately. My friend Jimmie Dunn, a desert lover, used to say “Any place that’s good for dogs is good for humans.” In my experience so far, that seems like a pretty good rule of thumb.

When I came to the Utah desert–15 years ago was the first time–I knew instantly it was my home. I can’t explain it more than that. I just knew it’s where I belonged and where I had to live.

There are so many beautiful places in the world, and I think somehow people belong in certain environments, and it’s not the same for everyone. I’m not sure why exactly, but that’s how it seems to me. I hope you find the right place, and have some good travels in your search for it….

One response to “The Right Place”

  1. Paolo says:

    Hi Steph, thank you for your time.
    After I sent you this mail, i started looking around me.
    I’m planning to find a job in ireland, where i can improve my english, and get money apart. Meantime i’d like to visit canada, to understand that’s the right place for me. I think you are right: i will know it’s my “home” only when i will be there.
    thank you again! 😛



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