Yoga for Climbing

Dear Steph,
My name is Erica I’m 26 I live in Milan, Italy, and I’m your fan, I’ve read your book and I follow your blog: I like it!
Pizzo Badile
I started climbing in 2010, since then I have not stopped and I try to get better and better, when I do not work.

I dream of coming to America to climb, the cracks of Utah, Yosemite…to visit Alaska, the Yukon…magnificent places!

Despite climb for 3 years, I struggle to find climbing partners, especially for alpine climbing, trad -way, and for me this is a real problem… I can not compare myself with myself and I can hardly see my progress.
I wish I could drop everything and live only climbing, but I can’t because my family is going through a bad period after the death of my father and it’s just me that I have a job. I had to leave the university veterinary medicine, and work, but I never thought of abandoning the climb! Is my oxygen, my way to recover my energies… is a difficult situation, but I do not defeat! I think every thing, good or bad, serve in some way, and I know that things will get better, or at least I hope!!!

I am writing for two reasons:
1. I would like to start doing yoga, but I don’t know what type of yoga used for climbing.
2. 6b is my level at the crag, in addition to continuously climb, I should do some specific training?
I hope you read my email!
I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and I really hope to meet you one day!

Dear Erica,
I’m very sorry for the loss of your father. I admire your commitment to both your family and your dreams, and your bright outlook–the world is bringing joy to you 🙂

I think that starting to do yoga will also help you with your climbing, so it’s a great idea. There are a few things you can do to start: going to some classes will get you a basic understanding of some poses, and will be a really good way to introduce yourself to yoga. I also highly recommend you read a book called Light on Yoga. I read the introduction often, and it has taught me a lot about the real philosophy behind yoga which is actually even more significant than doing yoga poses. This book also has a really thorough description of the different asanas with photos.

Personally, I mostly practice yoga on my own. When I get out of bed in the morning, I do a sun salutation first thing, and then I do a sequence of about 10 standing poses followed by 6 seated poses. I chose those poses because they feel good, stretching my hamstrings, back and shoulders, from the things I learned in yoga classes and by trying ones I found in Light on Yoga. Sometimes I follow that with just a few minutes of meditation. If I find that I have no time that day, I will at least do a sun salutation, and then maybe just 2 poses–sometimes as little as that. What I have learned is that if I tell myself I need to practice yoga for an hour, I always don’t find the time and then I don’t do it at all. So I just tell myself: do a sun salute when you wake up every single day, and then do as much as you feel you have time for after that, even if it’s only 5 minutes. This removes the pressure and turns yoga into a part of your everyday life.
I wish you all the best Erica with your adventures and your passion!

2 responses to “Yoga for Climbing”

  1. Nayima Archer says:

    Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning to yoke or harness. It offers a methodology which is both philosophical and practical. Yoga leads you to discover your fullest potential on all levels of human consciousness; physical well being, psychological and spiritual integrity.


  2. fabrizio says:

    Ciao Erica sono Fabrizio e scrivo dal lago di garda,ma ho studiato a milano.Non abito molto lontano da te…anche io arrampico,anche se è un periodo un po intenso quello che sto passando.
    Ti lascio la mia e-mail che magari puoi unirti a noi per venire ad arrampicare.
    PS:Hi Steph,enjoy your life as best as you can!!


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