Too Late To Climb?

Hello Steph, I have never climbed before just a couple of weeks ago. I am 63 and all of a sudden been bitten by the climbing bug. I have always been active but not necessarily sports oriented and tho I am strong in my hands and picking things up, my upper body strength to pull myself up is not there. At this point is it possible to build that to a level where I can enjoy sport climbing with a degree of effortlessness?
Better late then never

Hi Linda,
I think climbing has found you at a very good time! Studies have shown that people in their 60s and 70s who start weight training can build muscles as strong as 40 year-olds. I have a lot of information and inspiration for you, starting with this post from my friend Lee Sheftel that will answer your question very specifically.

But I can’t resist telling you about Willie Murphy who took up powerlifting at age 74 and now at 83, deadlifts 235 pounds (she weighs 105 pounds)!

Last year a young male broke into her apartment, and Willie beat him into submission with a table leg and a bottle of baby shampoo.

You’ll also like this article that Chris Weidner wrote recently for the Boulder Daily Camera: “Outdoor Elites Are Getting Older.” He reports that “today’s 40 and 50-somethings are cranking like the best young climbers of yesteryear. And the 60-plus crew now can out-climb the 20-somethings of the 1980s. This phenomenon is most visible in endurance-oriented sport climbing, which rewards strategy, patience and persistence over brute power.”

Climbing can be a great motivator to train and build strength, both through climbing and in the weight room, and it is absolutely not too late to get stronger and get after it. I’d suggest climbing 1-2 days a week, and doing some weight training 1-2 days a week additionally. While climbing is definitely not all about upper body strength, you will really notice the gains you make and that will directly help you when climbing. It will also help you with overall health–I can’t recommend enough prioritizing weight training as you get older for bone density, lean muscle gain and sleep.

I truly believe that whatever you choose to focus on is what you will do, and it’s great that climbing is motivating you to give more attention to strength building, because that can only be a good thing!

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