The Winners Are!
- April 2010
- Climb
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Layton Kor’s fundraiser, from last fall through now. Without the generous contributions from all the companies who sponsored the fundraiser with gear prizes, this idea would not have gotten off the ground. So many people pitched in to get us through the logistical and technical difficulties of building and sustaining the website, the online payment platforms, and keeping the word spreading through so many months of this effort. Many individuals along the way found their own ways to support Layton and find more avenues to give him a hand. And of course, thanks to the professional climbers who will be donating their time to add to the prizes with climbing days. He really appreciates all the support that everyone has been showing to him.
A huge thanks to everyone who has helped out so far. The money we have raised has helped significantly to defray Layton’s medical costs, though there are more and there are many. We are planning to do more case-by-case guiding days, of all kinds, to continue to generate some financial assistance for Layton in the future. So check back to the laytonkorclimbing.com site in the weeks and months to come if you would still like to climb with pro climbers or experts, either for adventures or teaching days. Many guides and pro climbers would like to donate future days to people who can donate more money to support Layton Kor. He will still need support, even though this phase of fundraising is complete, so we are going to keep finding creative ways to help.
So now, the final winners of the raffles!
Eric Lett has won the final gear package.
Andy Laakman has won the Washington’s Column climb with Conrad Anker
Sumi Bitner has won the Cruise climb with Jimmie Dunn
Denise Driver has won the Castleton climb with me
Mike Harris has won the Kor’s Flake climb with Tommy Caldwell
Jean-Philippe Martin has won the Gunks day with Eric Horst
Congratulations to everyone, for pulling together as a community to help such an inspiring, respected figure.
And I hope to get stories and photos from everyone after their climbing adventures!
🙂 xxxSteph