Thanks For the Hellos!

Your letters really mean a lot to me! Thank you for writing to me. I am feeling the urge to start a new book project…your encouragement might be enough to push me over the edge before too long 😉
xx Steph

Hi Steph,
I just read your book and I found it very inspiring, I think it’s a great story of adventure, quest for freedom and of course, perseverance. The first time I heard of you was in the documentary The Sharp End and I was so impress (with the other climbers also), after a quick research I founded out your Web site and that you had a book. I hope I’ll see you in other films in the future and that you’ll maybe write another book.

I’m 32 and even though I’ve always been into outdoor sports, not so long ago I didn’t even know that climbing existed! Go figure. I haven’t been climbing for long, maybe a year or so overall but something like 6 months seriously. At first I found out I was suffering from mild vertigo so it took a while just to get pass it, I was trembling like a leaf at first! It was so illogical for me to be that afraid that I had to climb just to conquer that fear. It’s still there but I can live with it and now that everything is fine, I’m already doing 5,10 routes and no sign of stopping in sight. It not so much about the grade but about getting a little bit better every time that I climb and that sense of freedom that I get from doing it.

I just a bought a book by the persian poet that you quote numerous times in your book, Rumi, but I haven’t read it yet though.
So that’s about it, take care.

Hi Steph
Im an extremely new climber and having a massive fear of heights, Im sticking to some technical (for me) bouldering at the moment 🙂

But anyway, I have just stumbled across your website, and your work! What an inspiration! Such a smooth climber, love your technique and style! If I ever even get to be half as good as you, I will be a happy man!

kindest regards
Adam Bolter

Hey Steph,
just wanted to drop you a line and say thank you for all the hard work and heart you put into your book. I just finished feverishly reading it about an hour ago, feeling very inspired as a young female climber. Wanting to put more of a face to your name, I stumbled upon your highinfatuation website and was pleased to see that you are in touch with aspiring climbers and fans of your book.

Currently living out of my car and on friends’ couches, I am a college student in Oregon, studying outdoor education; hoping to one day become some kind of outdoor leader or maybe even a climbing guide. I found comfort in reading about your life, realizing that although the way I’m living is unconventional to some, it is normal and acceptable to others who share this passion for wildness and simplicity. I am thrilled to see that nomadic wandering has brought a hard-worker like yourself success. Your stories and words of wisdom will always be in the back of my mind as I find my own path in adventure and life.
Heather Syring

I am not a climber but I recently saw video of you climbing and I was stunned to say the least. I did jump in the military, 37 jumps, and a few civilian but nothing like what you do. You’re truly a gifted athlete. I have been thinking about base jumping but I do not know if I have it in me. Just watching your video made my hands start sweating. I do not know if I could handle watching my daughter climb like that, heck I turned my head for one second in my yard and she was half way of this huge Oak. Be careful and we’ll keep watching.

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