Talking About Falling

Hi Steph,
A friend of mine sent me your website because I like skydiving. I’m a speed junkie, though I don’t look the part. I want to learn base jumping and wingsuit flying. I live in Seattle currently. How could I learn these things? I’m pretty hopeless at sports in general. However, I cannot help but love the feeling of freedom and expansiveness when I fall. So, I must learn how to do it even though I will probably be the worst student you can imagine.
Any suggestions will be helpful.
BTW, I think your blog and the video of you and your friends jumping is awesome. Simply awesome. 🙂

Dear Nigel,
Don’t say you are hopeless! Remember, what you say is usually what you do…..your excitement is priceless! Wanting something really bad makes anyone a brilliant student 🙂

Sounds like you are on the right track to BASE and wingsuit flying, since you are already skydiving. And so, you know the drill…..200 skydives before wingsuiting, 100 skydives before learning BASE. I think taking Jimmy and Marta’s bridge course, through Apex BASE, is worth every penny and then some.

When skydiving, focusing on accuracy landing and canopy skills will save you lots of pain and hospital bills in BASE. Take it from me, it’s way easy to pound in, trying to put your canopy down in tight spots 🙁 , especially if you are a new skydiver turned BASE jumper…. Remember, things happen so fast in this sport. Getting hurt happens so fast. So I guess that’s why the most experienced jumpers are always trying to get us baby jumpers to take things slow. But you are right, there is nothing like the freedom of flight. It’s worth everything it takes to get there in the sky….
Keep flying!
xx Steph

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