Your Book

Hey Steph, I’m 17 years old and have been climbing since I was a kid, but I never felt like I could go anywhere with it. My dad told me about you; he actually has climbed with you and he said i should read your book and i did, I’ve never felt so inspired! I […]

Why I’m Vegan

I was really happy to partner with PETA for this new ad, and also for a signature prAna chalkbag (you can buy one here, or win one here) that benefits PETA. I have supported PETA, the Humane Society, and the Animal Legal Defense Fund for several years, and I admire these groups a lot for […]

Hello from Dominican Republic

Hello Steph, I follow you and since 2006 Im celiac L Im from Dominican Republic (the other part of the island next to Haiti) Rock climbing development is taking time here. We have a couple of crags in the city. And yes we have some other bigger walls outside. I have to confess there has […]

Kitty Love

Dear Steph, As a fellow vegan climber and cat mom I had to send you these pictures of my cat, Tweety, fully engrossed in The Tactic. Cheers, Leslie Hi Leslie, Awwww!! 🙂 Yes, if you send me adorable pictures of your animal being cute, they will be posted on this blog. Thanks! xxSteph


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