Live Free
- November 2012
- Simple Living
When I was a kid, there were a few books around the house that I read and re-read, just because they were always there. One was Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley. Another was a collection of Aesop’s Fables. I haven’t thought about those stories in a long time. But today I was thinking about […]
Looking for Advice
- November 2012
- Simple Living
Hello Steph! I am 18 years old and am currently taking a gap year as an Exchange Student in Slovakia. First of all, I want to say you have been an inspiration to me! Your musings in “A Perfect Circle” provoked great thoughts and were very insightful! You seem to have a very positive and […] Roof Jump
- November 2012
- Climb
About a year ago, my friends at told me they were planning to paint a giant goat on the roof of their warehouse in Salt Lake City. Since the warehouse is located almost directly under a major landing/takeoff path for the Salt Lake airport, they figured it would be pretty cool for people who […]
Scared of Falling
- November 2012
- Climb
Hi Steph! My name’s Jourdan, I’ve been climbing sporadically for about 3 years and regularly for the past few months. I wish I could say I’ve been climbing non-stop for that long but, I live in Florida so my ability to climb has been limited by the proximity of climbing gyms. Now that I live […]