Large Campus Rungs?

Hello Steph,

I am a German climber from Frankenjura (you should really visit it in later summer / September…). Heard about you via some nice videos on vimeo about a year ago, especially that solo-climb on that sandstone-tower and then jump down. Wow.
Your “simple life”-way-of-life approach also is great, which I must admit I’d also prefer some times. But I am kind of caught in “family needs resources and I am too conventional and feel like I want the money from work”. Anyway, it feels OK most of the time :)).

Currently, I am living in Florida now which gives me the opportunity to learn about the US quite a lot and I enjoy it. The only negative side: the next piece of Rock is 9hours away, which is the first time in my life that I actually moved away from Rocks. But I’ll return home next year, so in the meantime I try to keep myself fit, also by campusing.

Now, my question:
In your blog, it seems you have rather big campus rungs.

Campus Training for Climbing

Are these big ones also from Metolius?
What I am looking for are such parts with ca. 2inches to be able to perfom campusboarding with 1.5 finger-phalanx.

All the best!

Hello Joerg,
All my rungs are Metolius rungs. I have the small, medium and large ones, and they seem to be great. If you want bigger ones, or more incut, you could always make some with large dowels.
And….Florida is great for skydiving!

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