How To Make Dreams Come True

Dear Ms Davis,
My name is Christine. I am originally from Quebec and I grew up right in the Appalachian range. I spent all my childhood playing, running, biking and riding my horse in those hills. Nature is where I feel the best. While I was doing my master, I was recruited by a company in the San Francisco Bay Area and I moved to California two years ago. During grad school, (I have a master in chemistry with a specialisation in natural product preparation) I had to work so hard in the lab that I had to give up almost all the activity that I enjoyed to make sure I kept the scholarship I was on. On one hand, I was very successful in my field, but I was also very unhappy. I thought that was what I had to do, because I was very successful and that I had no other options..

Since I am in California, I took the decision to do things that really makes me happy. I go climbing or scrambling every single weekend. I climbed a dozen mountains in California so far. My proudest acheivments were the two peaks I bagged in the Canadian Rockies last fall, in addiditon to my sub-two hours half-marathonin the Rockies as well. I did a lot of amazing trips last summer and my roommates are surprised I remember where I live!

Like many people told you before, reading your book and learning about your life was a great source of inspiration for me. I really relate to your story and also Ed Viesturs story as well. Part of it is because both of you went to grad school but chose to follow you passion for climbing and mountainnering instead. Both of you are very lucky to be able to live from your passion. I read many stories on your blog where you tell people to follow their dreams. A couple years ago, I met a friend of a friend that lives in the Canadian Rockies in Banff. I was in a very dark place in my life at that moment. He is a mountaineer and he spend every possible mement of his life in the back or highcountry, hiking, climbing and mountain biking. He has no sponsor and to be able to live, he is a waiter is a big hotel. He has a college degree, but he chose this lifestyle instead. When I saw the kind of life he was living. It gave me a lot of hope for the future. You, Ed Viesturs and my friend Steeve are people I really look up to for their courage.

I’m preparing to quit my corporate job to move in the mountains. I am not very happy in an urban setting and I need more than two days a week in the wilderness to feel fully alive.. I am facing a lot of disagreements from my family and friends and what I read on your website gives me strenghts to follow my dreams. I want to look back at my life and be proud of what I did and happy with my choices. I had some serious health problems recently that reminded me that life could be short. I’m dreaming about mountains every single seconds I am awake, and I dream about climbing them when I’m sleeping. I am very determined to make that wish come true!

I want to thank you for the indirect support you have given me and to all the other people in my situation. Like with my friend Steeve, the more I learn about you, the more impressed I am with who you are. You seem to be a very special person and I am grateful life put you on my path.

I wish you the best of luck with your future projects,
Christine Chabot

Dear Christine,
Thank you for your beautiful and inspiring letter. It’s always wonderful to hear the stories of people who decide to follow their dreams. As you know, taking the decision is usually the hardest step, and after that, the path becomes clear. Bon courage! Je suis sure que tu vas trouver toutes les belles reves dans la vie! A mon avis, vivre une vie sans le bonheur n’est pas possible, au fin….et on peut devenir tout ce qu’on peut imaginer. Je le croix vraiment. Vivre simplement, dans le natur, c’est la vraie richesse. I wish you all the best of luck, in all your adventures.
xx Steph

One response to “How To Make Dreams Come True”

  1. Katie says:

    A good conversation with my dad over Christmas dinner illuminated some possibilities that are most certainly dreams brimming with potential. It’s as though all these things have fallen into place and it’s exhilarating to consider how they might turn out. Thanks for the good wishes…hope your holiday was lovely!


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