Hi from the Railsplitter

You’re the best!!! More women ought to be like you… I’ve shared your video clips from “Masters of Stone” and your classic wingsuit shots with all kinds of people, and they all dug ’em. My favorite is the wingsuit shot where you’re looking at the photographer through shades… that shot ought to be on the cover of Cosmo or Vogue, those rags, just to shake ’em up! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Anyway, my climbing days are just about over, but I still get out there now and then, usually soloing on BLM land in the middle of nowhere. Hey, I even put up one route on Isla Norte (a.k.a. “The Sarcophagus”) Islas Los Coronados: “Those Pesky Swiss Yodelers” (5.7+)!!! Not exactly Steph Davis material, but that’s okay… sailing is where I shine. You can see some cool shots of Islas Los Coronados at either of these two sites: www.thetruckersreport.com or www.truckforum.org . Find and click on “Railsplitter” (my handle), then go to my albums or pictures. You’ll see some cool shots in there, and some downright comical climbing photos taken WAY back in the day… also, some radical shots taken out on the road, including some heller climbing areas unknown to many people. Some of the island photos are in there too… I used to have about 1000 photos posted at Nerdscout, but the site crashed, although Ron Ropp tells me that he’s going to put it back online, hopefully with all of my photos and stories intact. Anyway, just wanted to say that I’ve always been an admirer, in the adventurous and not the romantic sense… BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn, sometimes I slay myself… alright, I’m outta here, back to my humble existence as a Western Zen Buddhist Monk (Western = drinks beer and hard liquor). Adios, and keep pushing the envelope… sincerely, “THE RAILSPLITTER”

P.S. You guys should get together with Addison Pemberton and pull some rad wingsuit stunts out of those primo old aircraft… wingwalk to wingsuit action, a la that old IMAX “FLYERS” movie. THAT would be cool… you can see the aircraft I’m talking about by punching up “Pemberton and Sons Aviation.” They changed their site address, or I’d include it here, but you can still find the site; you’ll know you’re in the right place when you see the little toon aircraft waggling its wings under the slogan “We fly the old stuff.” Amazing pictures in there… I’ve flown with Addison in that old Senior Speedmail, and it was the best plane ride I’ve ever taken, hands down. Never felt safer either, as Addison is a real hand when it comes to flying. Okay, that’s it, NOW I’m outta here!!! “ADIOS!!!”

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