Hi From a Wilderness Girl

Hi Steph,
I read High Infatuation for the first time last year and have probably read it at least a dozen times since. I was so happy to read about another girl who felt like I did about the wilderness! I especially loved some of the more poetic writing, particularly “We’ve Always Run”. As a runner and a poet, it was great to see examples that you don’t just have to be an athlete, that you can also be a writer or an artist or whatever.It inspired me to seriously think about publishing my poetry- I just finished a manuscript for my first book, and plan to send it to a publisher, although I don’t know who yet. I was also inspired by your description of pushing your limits on free climbing projects. That helped me begin to enjoy my cross-country running races more, to actually enjoy pushing my limits. Running is only one of many outdoor sports I enjoy- I love to ski, mountain bike, sail, backpack, and hike, and I recently tried skateskiing and loved it. I want to try a ton more sports-rock climbing, windsurfing, kiteboarding, and many more!
To be honest, I almost can’t believe that I’m actually writing to you and that you’ll actually read this! You’re one of my role models, and I don’t have very many. Since in my excitement I might rattle on for much longer than you wish to read, I’ll just keep it short.
Thanks for reading,

P.S. Just a piece of a poem I wrote-

Among gold and red sandstone and the glittering sky,

Never tamed by any hand, mortal or wise,

Between bright-blooming flowers and sand dunes dry long,

The song of the desert night flows ever on.

Thanks Kristin, that’s beautiful!!
Congratulation on finishing your manuscript, I hope to see your book!
🙂 xxSteph

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