Hellos From West to East

Hi Stephanie-
Nice bloggie and thanks for sharing the super inspiring climbing photos – are those mostly Jimmy Chin shots? He is a friend of mine from Victor Idaho, I just moved from there to Seattle Washington.

Take it easy and keep on sending- Bissell
Bissell Hazen
Adventure Photography
206 218 7043

Dear Bissell,
Thanks! All the Salathe photos are from Jimmy Chin, along with some other Yosemite climbing shots, and anything from climbing the Tombstone….we are good friends, and we often take photos together. Of course I think Jimmy is the best photographer around 🙂 There might be a few Pakistan shots that are Jimmy’s as well, from a trip we did to the Kondus Valley, in 2000. Taking photos is always a good excuse to get him to come and visit!
I hope you’re enjoying the move to Seattle, and not missing Victor too much.
take care,

Hi Steph,
I live in Wilson, Wyoming, and I attended the Alpinist Film Fest. My daughter was the MC the first night.
I just wanted to say that I was touched by your presentation and the things you said. I am a 50 year old single mom. I raised my two kids myself. They are now 19 and 22 years old and incredible people. In the past year I have been on a soul searching sort of mission– doing exactly as you expressed–living life as intensely and as simply as possible. I came from a family that was intense yet simple, so it’s not that far of a journey for me, but still, I had drifted a long way in the past 20 years. Had a lot of hurt along the way.
It’s amazing that you know those things at such a young age. I guess I was too busy just getting by and taking care of the kids needs for a long time. I know it now–and your words rang so true. Thanks for being someone I can relate to…
And I agree–it is good to sit quietly in a wild place. I do it often.
Carrie Stiegler

Hey steph,
Ran into your website link when I was reading the article about you climbing the diamand. Wanted to say hello and thank you for the motivation and psyche!! Always nice to watch a vid or see awesome climbing pics of the worlds best. I hope to watch the vid of that climb and get a copy of your book soon. Heading to mount washington in nh next week to ice climb on and around the mountain. Super psyched.
You and Dean are worldclass!!
Thanks for the motivation
Dan Flynn
Philadelphia, Pa.

2 responses to “Hellos From West to East”

  1. […] bookmarks tagged places Hellos From West to East saved by 1 others     ilovekikamaru bookmarked on 01/31/08 | […]

  2. bissell says:

    those are some royally nutbag shots of the base jumping and wingsuit stuff. bissell


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