Hello From South Carolina
- July 2016
- Hi Steph
Hey Steph! Thanks for a wonderful, clean and green website, and blessings for inspiring the climber/adventurer in us all. As I may correctly recall, you climbed strongly at the Clipper City Rock Gym in Baltimore in 1991/92 or so?! Used to trek there with my climbing partner Jeff Meyers to pump the plastic, both of us from NoVa at the time. I even managed a comp or two, and dragged more than a few people there to challenge those walls! You clearly had the mojo; we all saw it! Proud of what you have experienced and accomplished in many areas. Of course, both Jeff and I are much older, perhaps not wiser, and still talk long distance about our rock climbing trips: New River, Gunks, Great Falls, etc. Once a climber, always a climber – still and ever some of the best times of our respective and collective lives. Climbing certainly made a huge difference in the way we viewed life, then and now.
Thanks for having the vision to keep promoting and living the life you choose and love, Steph! Especially for me at this really challenging time of life, having others aspire to personal greatness and soul-searching endeavors in areas that feed my own soul gives me renewed strength and positive energy.
Be well, climb hard, and reach for the stars, Steph!
Most sincerely,
Tom Terrific
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Hi Tom,
Thanks for saying hi, I really appreciate all the kind words! I remember how people would actually roadtrip to Clipper City from hours away–that place was ahead of its time, and gyms have definitely taken it to whole other level since then 🙂 I hope you and Jeff are both doing great!