Hello From Santa Cruz

Hi Steph,

Just finished reading your book. Thought I’d send you feedback since I most thoroughly enjoyed the read and I can appreciate the effort that goes into writing, particularly and effort of that endeavor.

I’m most impressed by how you figured out how what you wanted to do and just went for it, ditching school so early in life. In terms of writing, keep on writing … I particularly appreciate the colorful and deep details, be it about the environment, people around or your emotions. Finally, I am glad to see that I am not the only one who gets major downs after feeling very high from a intense effort/accomplishment. Every time it happens it kills me and I keep thinking I can manage and yet it returns and I hate what the mood swings do to my energy … but I guess we survive …

Thanks for the inspiration and keep on climbing and writing!


A crazy French Canadian thoroughly enjoying the adventure of life, currently living in Santa Cruz CA

Thanks Nicole!! I’m so glad these things resonated with you. Great to feel your kindred spirit! In so many ways, we are all the same, in this little community and in the big world…..
xx Steph

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