Hello From Mexico

Hey steph,
i´ve been meaning to write you for quite some time now…
i live here in mexico in a town called valle de bravo, we have some cliffs around here, so it’s good training, i am also a photoprapher or at least becoming one. next summer i’ll be in new york for a critic workshop and i am really really excited cause i love doing, many kinds of photography, but mostly about lifestyle and outdoors, climbing of course and down here in mexico that kind of photgraphy is not very common, you know what i mean? people here is more in to fashion and that kind of stuff. i am climbing lots runnning and photographing so i am also looking for going to the shawagunks if have the chance…. my climbing partner is staying in mexico and so i dont know if i will go but thats the plan so far!….

reading some of your posts at your blog and watching at some videos, really made me feel that you are a really really “human person”, and you llook so calm and peaceful that i guess everybody should say this, but i think meeting u must be a real blast… i am also into evolving, well you know what i mean by that lol.
i live as simply as i can and try to be better every day in all aspects, and also fulfilling my dreams as much as i can.
well steph i really just wanted to write, and to let you know that as far as we can be or as anybody can i send you lots of hugs and good intentions to you. hope we meet climbing hope to have the honor of photographing one of your climbs some day!!!!!!
see u around
by the way… great writing

Ciao Mon! Gracias, thank you for writing to me and for all your energy! And best wishes to you in all you are doing!
xx Steph

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