Hello, From Germany
Dear Steph,
I wanna thank you so much!I recently read your amazing book Learning to Fly: A Memoir of Hanging On and Letting Go
and you deeply touched my heart & soul with your amazing story of joy, braveness, love, overcoming hardship, positive attitude, letting go & getting on your feet (or wings!) again. An amazing story of never giving up and following the heart, no matter what! Thanks for sharing your deepest feelings so honestly with me.
Your words and experiences helped me so much while overcoming hardship on my own during the last year (cancer). They helped me seeing the good in the dark moments and learning even from the horrible and evolving by overcoming the challenges of life. I feel great now and I am fine again.
You are such a great role model. Not only as a world class athlete and adventurer but as a strong woman that follows her own path no matter what with a heart (and smile!) big enough to reach people like me even worldwide (Germany).
I feel so sorry for your losses of your wonderful husband Mario and your unique cute little Fletch. Also I am so happy for you to see what wonderful souls came into your life with Ian, Cajun & Mao since those hard days as I can see daily on your Instagram-Account where you share your fantastic adventures with followers like me.
Your High Altitude excursions lighten up my days whenever I enjoy your newest postings. Taking me with you on your Wingsuit-Flights through your videos gives me a great kick & huge smile even on the „safe ground of my sofa”.
Also, I am a biiiiiiiiiiiiiig dog lover too. So Cajuns adventures cheer me up with every Paw-sting of her too!
My name is Anke and I am 43 and from Hamburg in Northern Germany. My passions are running & writing & dogs (and all other furry creatures on this planet) & being in the outdoors and livin` the simple life, too. I am still learning to fly (mentally) – but I can feel my wings grow from day to day!
Thank you sooo much for being such an amazing teacher to me on my own journey through life!
I am already looking forward to all your future adventures that you will share through your social media accounts.
Keep flying!!!
Love, Anke
Hi Anke,
Thank you so much, this is a very sweet letter! I’m glad to hear you won your battle: and happy to have given you a little support through what must have been a really hard and scary time.
Cajun will keep up all the paw-stings 🙂