
Hi Steph

It was awe inspiring to watch you climb in this film, sharp end. I go
to Univ of Maine and climb here. I had a question and was wondering
what advise you would have. I am able to climb my best and try my
hardest when I go climbing with my close partners but when there are
other people or even friends there at the wall then I get self
conscious. Every mistake I make on my project climb becomes magnified
in my mind and that leads to frustration which then leads to more
mistakes and it becomes a downward spiral. To a point where I don’t
want to climb anymore and just go home. I would be great if somehow I
can get myself to a point where I can try my hardest with my other
friends cheering me on.

Thanks for your time.
All the best

Dear Hasan,
Thanks for writing to me! And I feel very bad that you are experiencing this kind of frustration. Honestly, this is the one thing about climbing that I do not love….the feeling of pressure, self-criticism and comparison. I find it unfortunate that the system of rating climbs in order to provide information to others has evolved into something that causes people to feel a certain way about themselves, whether good or bad. I don’t have a simple, one-step solution to what you are going through. I would say this. You will have to spend some time with yourself, in your head. One thing about climbing is that it’s often a magnifying glass for things you are experiencing in your life. Can you let go of the need to “achieve” or to impress others, or yourself? Can you remember that you are totally blessed to have a healthy body and the ability to go out and spend your day in the natural world with friends? Back up a little, and think about those things. Every time you have the privilege to climb up a rock should be the happiest moment of your life. Seriously. If you can remind yourself of this every time you are at the cliff, I think you might have a different mindset about your project. Don’t worry if you don’t have that mindset on the next day you go. Just keep at it, and think about this one thing every time you climb. I think you might find your thoughts will change over the next season.
Best of luck to you,
🙂 xxSteph

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