Climbing and Art

Hi Steph,
I bought your book last year, I love it and often read it as a source of inspiration. I’m a climber and an artist, I draw really massive scale landscapes averaging about 2 metres wide. I’m inspired by being outside in beautiful places and i love how rock climbing can feed into my work in this way.

I dream of traveling the world climbing and drawing the land i experience. Sometimes it doesn’t seem possible and i feel all disillusioned with my ambitions. This has been the case recently so I have been rereading your book which has inspired me to keep pursuing my dreams and reminded me that we can adapt our lives to make ourselves happy. We don’t really need to live in a nice house and hold down a good job and we can live off surprisingly little as long as we are happy, so there is hope for the future!
Just wanted to let you know your words are inspiring, keep on writing!
p.s. I’ve attached one of my drawings of the Lake District and one of the Blue Mountains in Australia, more of my work is up on my website if you are interested 🙂

Dear Tessa,
Thank you for writing, and for your beautiful drawings!

Two of my favorite artists, Jeremy Collins and Renan Ozturk, are serious climbers who have also pursued both climbing and their art, without compromise. I hope you will keep following your dreams, and that they will take you to even more beautiful places 🙂

4 responses to “Climbing and Art”

  1. Tessa Lyons says:

    Oh wow I’ve never seen Jeremy Collins work before..I love his animation the Wolf and The Medallion and the Intuit1on book looks lovely!! So great, thanks for sharing, i remember coming across Renan Ozturk’s work before as well, such inspiring lives they are leading!
    All the best for your adventures in the future 🙂 I hope you write another book someday so i can read more of your insights!
    Thanks again,

  2. Amrit Khalsa says:

    Beautiful Drawings! 

  3. Anonymous says:

    thanks Tessa 🙂 I am working on Book #2 right now….should be done by next spring, I hope!

  4. Alex Raczynski says:

    That is great news!!! I can’t wait! First one was very cool 🙂


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