Bay Area Show, June 20

- June 2013
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I’m heading to the bay area next week, to do a show and book signing at the Clif theater in Oakland. Admission includes food, beer, live music, a copy of Learning to Fly (that I’ll be signing), and a presentation of slides and video (including a sneak peek of a new unreleased base climbing project […]
Following Up on Fear
- May 2012
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Steph, A while back you answered an e-mail I had sent you about fear and I began to recently contemplate how you know where you limit is? I seem to struggle with knowing when it is safe to tame my fear and when the fear is healthy and I should cater to it. Your segment […]
- November 2011
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After watching the Alex Honnold segment, I stumbled upon the “Of Man and Beast-The Free Solo Climbers” video on you tube, where one of your climbs is depicted. There is a purity about your sport which is both enthralling and inspirational. Extraordinarily powerful to see the limits of human athleticism pursued with such precision and […]