Hello From Spetses

Hello Steph, my name is Panagiotis and i come from a small island in Greece called Spetses. I am an open water swimmer and my dream is to swim around my island once. It's about 20k but every time i see you hanging from cliff i say to myself that everything is possible.

PCT Thru Hike or School/Career

My name is Taylor, and I am a 23 year old woman from Vernon, British Columbia. I am at this point in my life where I am basically deciding whether to 1) hike the PCT or 2) do the "easy thing" and start a career/go back to school. I am asking different badass women that have inspired me 1) what their main piece of advice would be for someone in my situation.

The Best Path

Hey Steph! I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. Somehow, through a blog on the internet discussing ropes and their uses, I stumbled upon your incredible blog here (not that I’m one to believe in coincidence), and wanted to let you know how special it all is. I’m not sure where […]

Living Life

Good morning Steph, I've been spending some time reflecting and setting goals for this next year, and I have been reminded of just how much your book, and blog, made a major impact and influence on me; I thought I would share that with you.


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