Life in Moab

Dear Steph, We are wondering if you can tell us a little about what it’s like to live in Moab? We are climbers and distance runners, and we have spent longish and shortish stints in Moab and the Creek, and in Salt Lake, and we are shopping for a new place to live.

The Other Side of Divorce

Hey Steph. I am a fellow climber and have looked up to your values, ethic, and outdoor pursuits for a long time. Recently, I have been going through a very difficult divorce. I know that you have experienced the highs and lows of relationships and the pain of loss. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Sprinter Access

Hey Steph, I have a quick question about your Sprinter - one that I think, perhaps, a Moab climber might have special insight into. Would you/could you/have you taken your Sprinter:

Building a Backyard Climbing Wall

Hi Steph, relating to your backyard climbing wall that you have posted about in the past I have a few questions. In these hectic times of quarantine I am going to attempt a climbing wall of my own and want to emulate something similar to yours, specifically two walls at different angles with a beam at the center.


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