A Swiss News Story About My Orphaned BASE Gear

Just found this on the internet today…. An article in a Swiss paper all about base jumping in Switzerland, with brand names and models of some of the gear United Airlines lost for me! With photos too (and funny captions)! Ironic, no? Meanwhile, here in the States, we have this. As I updated in my […]

United Loses BASE Gear

(art courtesty of @iamboat) Well, it was a great trip to Lauterbrunnen. So great I didn’t even have time to blog about it for the three weeks I was there, because I was so busy flying my wingsuit off giant cliffs and shooting lots of awesome/hilarious (at least to me) video footage.

How To Tape for Crack Climbing (101)

Hi Steph: Your videos of the diamond and castleton are amazing. I just bought your book and am looking forward to reading it. Anyway, I am just learning how to crack climb and was wondering if you knew any good references on the best way to tape. I climb mostly with people who don’t tape […]

Carabiner Cross Loading :(

Hello Steph, I’m not sure how much time you have, and I am just an average climber seeking some advice about solo toproping. I hope you can help answer it for I value your experience. I have been reading about solo top roping with a min traxion and have found your blog posting to be […]


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