The Fear Chronicles 3

It’s almost overwhelming finding a place to start talking about fear, what it does to us and what we do with it. I’ve really appreciated reading the comments and ideas from everyone on these posts, and more than anything I just want to initiate a conversation because it’s so interesting hearing ideas. When I first […]

The Fear Chronicles 1

As you may know, I’ve been running crack climbing clinics in Moab and Indian Creek for the last 3 years now. When people register, I ask them what they are most interested in learning. Invariably, at least one person (and usually a few) says, “I want to learn how to deal with fear when climbing.” […]

Cajun, Dog of the World

Was out hiking with family and friends guided by our friend Ron (of Moab) this morning and saw you and Cajun heading up for a jump. After you jumped, Cajun was supposed to head back down. As hard as we tried, Cajun would not leave us. I started down to see if I could get […]

Adrenaline Rush

Hey Steph! I am curious about your thoughts on the effects of so many consecutive adrenaline rushes on new skydivers. I am learning to skydive and am in my second week. I’m doing 1-3 jumps a day, 3 or 4 days a week. I never thought that much about adrenaline before and am realizing how […]


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