Abbey’s First Tower

Mammut partnered up with the Big City Mountaineers, a nonprofit organization that takes city kids into the outdoors, by doing a fundraiser called Pitches With Pros. Basically, they raffled off their athletes to raise money for BCM, and I was lucky enough to be won by Abbey Leroux! 🙂

Training By Climbing 103

[audio:] Groove Armada “Superstylin'” I think there are lots of effective ways to train, and it’s good to use some/all of them at various times. Basically, anything extra you do to train is going to help you, no matter what. I think climbing on plastic helps a lot, and fingerboarding, and also weight lifting an

Hellos From Under and Over

Hi Steph, Just thought I would add another email to your many emails from the site. Your philosophy on life is eye opening and just what I needed to read! I live in Australia but I work a job I don’t like, doing things I am not interested in, paying a mortgage that feels like […]

Fingerboard Training 101

I admit, I am not a very religious trainer. Recently I have developed a bit of a base jumping problem. Which though it does seem to make you extra brave (and, you can fly which is obviously awesome!) not very surprisingly, does ZERO for the finger strength. Hmmm.


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