AMA: Would You Trade Your Dirtbag Days?

- January 2018
- Van Living
Hi Steph, I wanted to say hi and I have about a billion questions. I just got into climbing a few months ago (still around 5.9 or a V2-3 level) and I'm considering living the van life for a few months.
How Many Falls Can A Rope Take?

- April 2017
- Hi Steph
Steph, how are you? How many falls a rope can take (small falls inside the gym)? I always hear different arguments and wanted to know from you :)
Salathe Wall

- February 2017
- Hi Steph
Hey Steph, I climbed the Salathe Wall with two buddies in September. We had a great time, aid climbed everything we possibly could - but still got totally "captained". It was my first big wall, my two buddies had done the Nose the year before.
Best Rope for a Month in the Desert

- January 2017
- Hi Steph
Steph, my name is Dan, and I'm a big fan of your climbing and writing. I'm currently planning a trip from my home state of Michigan to Utah for about a month starting in May. I was wondering if you had any recommendations as to what sort of rope would serve me the best for a month in the desert.