Training for Endurance

- February 2013
- Climb
Endurance Training Hey Steph I had a question about training. First of all let me start by saying I am a big fan. Your climbing is very inspiring and I enjoyed your book. I started climbing about a year ago at the age of 33. After a divorce and several years of alcohol abuse I […]
Hello From Colombia
- February 2013
- Hi Steph
Hi Steph, I write from Colombia South America, I have 18 years and I am vegetarian. I have long wanted to learn to climb, a few months ago I first went to a climbing gym and was certainly a great experience wrote on twitter and you answered me take it as a beautiful sign (Thanks […]
Hangboard Workout for Climbing, Getting Started

- February 2013
- Climb
Thanks to guidance from my friend Kingsley, I’m working through a 2 month plan of hangboard/campus/systems training. Part of the reason I wanted to try his system was for its efficiency. There’s a very small window of climbable temps in Moab in the winter—you basically have to be in full sun if you want to […]
Hangboard Workout for Climbing: How and Why

- February 2013
- Climb
Hi Steph, First of all, let me say what an inspiration you are! I really enjoy hearing of all the things you and your husband do. I recently got a hangboard and want to take my training/climbing to the next step. I live about an hour away from the closest gym and further from the […]