How To Tape For Crack Climbing: Video

- March 2013
- Climb
One of the first things we do in my Indian Creek Crack Clinic is get our hands taped up. As I always say, you can tape before you get gobies, or you can tape after you get gobies. If you tape after you get gobies, the tape sticks to your oozing open wounds and it […]
Forgotten Lines: Video

- March 2013
- Climb
I’m excited to announce the release of a new video that I shot with Three Strings Productions and Mario. It’s about climbing the classic Steve Hong route, “Glad to be Trad” in Mineral Canyon. This is the route that is on the front of this month’s issue of Climbing Magazine–it was so beautiful, we went […]
Spot On
- March 2013
- Hi Steph
Hey, I’ve been climbing for a few years and have been a fan for quite some time! Keep it up! Truth is, randomly messaging a professional climber is quite awkward, for me, so I’m just finding out. So! Just watched a 26 min short film about you, and what you said about “fear” was so […]
Hello From Alabama
- March 2013
- Hi Steph
My name is Tim, I came across your site while inquiring about climbing and age limits. I found a post relating to just that, thanks. As I checked out the rest of your site I found your story to be inspiring (and living in Moab sounds great). I spent some time in Taos and surrounding […]