How to Pee in a Harness, Not On It

Hi Steph, How are you doing these days? I’m wondering if you could offer your insights- what’s the most skillful way to pee in a harness, (let’s say, several pitches up with a full rack on) without soiling yourself or your gear? Lots of remote backpacking trips and kayaking trips have never posed a problem- […]


Hi Steph, From the day I was introduced to climbing, I have tried to stay motivated to keep climbing. I have now been climbing on and off for the past 15 years, but I am not professional by any means. This last year however, I have found new motivation to progress myself and have been […]

ACL: To Repair or Not to Repair?

HI Steph, I’ve read your posts on your ACL injury, surgery and recovery. I tore my ACL and I am about to start physio. Although it’s a complete rupture the physio says that it is possible to recover without surgery, though not for some sports which place a lot of stress on the knees, such […]

Indian Creek Crack Weekend

Indian Creek was magical last weekend: sandstone, splitters, blue sky and perfect temperatures–some of the nicest weather I’ve ever seen in the desert and a really fantastic group, all adding up to our best clinic yet. We are already looking forward to April! We climbed a lot, ate a lot, placed a lot of cams, […]


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