Vegan Crag List

Love you Steph! you have been a hero to me the last two years and I really give you so much love. If you ever need someone to talk to or share, just know you have friends you have never met…. ….as vegan I would like to hear more about what your crag diet is, […]

Cordelette for Climbing: What Are the Issues?

Thanks Steph, yet another informative piece. I have one problem though, with something that was added to the comments at the end of the posts… “Remember, when you create a loop of the 7mm cord with a fisherman’s knot or similar, you will always weight at least two strands of the cord, effectively doubling the […]

prAna Breath Series Video

I shot this video with the Louder Than 11 team, Rich Crowder and Jon Glassberg, in Moab last summer. Ammon McNeely joined us as the camera test jumper, which helped a lot–base jumping happens pretty quick for shooting, and it’s over fast 🙂 I remember this as a really fun day for all four of […]

Keeping Ropes out of Cracks and Feet

Hi Steph, I recently spent some time in Utah to work on my crack technique. I felt fine in corners, but in straight in cracks I felt like I would trip over the rope or my last piece. Any advice on how to orient the rope with my feet would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! […]


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