How to Size Your Gear Sling

Hi Steph I’m leading trad more and more. And I was wanting a gear sling but I don’t know what size to get. I like the ones you’ve made. Just curious to know what size you use and how to exactly size a gear sling. Derick Hi Derick, I use a size small. Usually I […]

Sun is Shining

Sun is Shining from steph davis on Vimeo. Ian and I were mountain flying in Italy, Switzerland and France during the unusually cloudy and rainy summer season of 2014. This 5 week period of travel featured about 70% walking up and down mountains in the clouds and rain and 30% flying down them: and it […]

Climbing Fitness in the Off Season

Hello Steph. My name is Kassondra. I am from small town Eden, Utah. I love the great outdoors and everything it has to offer. Your writing is truly inspiring. I loved your first book, high infatuation- I read it 3 times and I am still pulling more from it. I really look forward to reading […]

The Fear Chronicles 3

It’s almost overwhelming finding a place to start talking about fear, what it does to us and what we do with it. I’ve really appreciated reading the comments and ideas from everyone on these posts, and more than anything I just want to initiate a conversation because it’s so interesting hearing ideas. When I first […]


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